40 Great Nail Art Ideas – Hobbies
So I’m taking part in another weekly challenge for the next year. Well, actually every other week for me, so I’m hoping I can a) stay commited and b) that it will kickstart my blogging again! It’s been a while, so I might need to just do a wrap up post sometime soon, totaling the last 8 months or so for me. They were a doozy.
Anyway, the biweekly girls in the challenge had the choice between either colors and patterns as their prompt, or themes as their prompt! I chose themes, because I always love the challenge of coming up with something creative and different.
This week was hobbies! Hobbies?!? How can I pick just one!?!? Nail art is a big hobby of mine, but that felt a little obviouse for my taste, knitting and building/refinishing would both be best represented with stamps as supporting players and I do not have access to those right now, since I just moved across the country (story for another day). However, in the last few months I picked up the hobby of soap making and I LOVE IT. I’m trying to start an etsy business on the side. It’s closed now, RE: the move, but I’m hoping to get it up and running again soon! Have a huge batch of pumpkin pie soap that is way too seasonally appropriate to not share!
So soap! I kept it simple and did bubbles. Basically a rehash of my rubber ducky manicure, which was one of my favorites of all time. I kept it simpler in the color scheme (they’re SOPHISTICATED BUBBLES, can’t you tell?), but I also threw in some glitter #alwaysagoodchoice.
Oh, China Glaze Fairy Dust, you make everything magical and better.
I’m in a little furnished apartment temporarily right now. I tried the bathroom lighting as well as the GIANT windows and despite how cloudy it was, I think the window photos won! (First and last)
And a few silver holo bubbles for good measure. Darling Diva Polish. Her stuff is AMAZING guys, check it out. If it had been sunny, man that silver would have rocked your world, I promise.
Enjoy the other ladies’ manicures!