Classy Mint and Gold

92% of the time, Revlon polishes are perfect in formulation, but every once in awhile they completely miss the mark. This mint color, while gorgeous, was SUCH a pain. It was streaky, took forever to dry and just overall annoyed me. This is three coats and on my right hand it is still patchy and uneven in places. I managed to get my left hand looking okay though.

I actually wanted to add a lavender tip to the accent nail…but I could not open the polish I wanted to use. Yes, sometimes I am a quitter.

This manicure did remind me of just how awesome this gold Orly polish is though. I’ll have to feature it heavily in my next one.

That gold! It is just so nice! I’m pretty sure I bought it in that phase where I was looking for the perfect gold for stamping. So I love the color, but I do NOT recommend going off to buy it. Mint is so popular this season that I KNOW you will be able to find it in another brand.