Pink Confetti

So once I started with the pink manicures this month, I wanted to continue that theme for the rest of the month as well! All my life red has been my favorite color, but I have really been excited about the color pink lately! Maybe it’s because I’m so thrilled about it finally warming up. Who knows? Anyway, I finished out March with all pink themed manicures.

These were painted for a very special reason, to celebrate my last day at my old job. I enjoyed the experience, as well as the people I worked with, but I am very much excited to move on to a new opportunity. I went with a simple dotticure, highlighted with gold polish and loose gold glitter. (I own too much damn glitter, I need to find occasions on which I can use it!)

I love this theme so much! It reminds me of confetti, balloons and champagne bubbles all at the same time, which made it super perfect for the celebratory occasion!

I think the glitter really makes it, because as much as I love that gold polish, the glitter really makes the whole thing sparkle (yes, I know that description is a bit too obvious, but it’s really the only way to explain it. But in my defense, I mean “sparkle” both figuratively and literally). It’s hard to get all the glitter shining in the same photo but you can see it a little better from the angle in the next picture.

You’ve got to love a dotticure. They can be a little time consuming depending on how many layers you choose to do, but they are pretty much always a success.