Smiley Faces

So I had an awesome manicure planned for day 2 of August’s Tri-Polish Challenge, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it turn out well, so I did another one as backup, planning to use the second manicure next week, since this is due to be a busy weekend. Both manicures turned out great, but it’s pouring today and the original manicure was on a holo base which REALLY needs sun to photograph well. So I guess I’ll be switching the weeks! This manicure only has two of the 3 colors, blue and yellow, but I like how I used them! Smiley faces are such a simple, but clear indication of happiness, and to be honest, I’m a major emoji addict. Fun fact, I recently read an article about how our brains now perceive emojis and emoticons in the same processing centers in our brain that we perceive faces. Isn’t that RAD? 20 years ago, the same smattering of characters would not have done that in our brains :) It’s crazy! I added smileys in a few layers of dots of different yellows, much like my rubber duck nails, to get that overlapping look.

So that’s the first set of smileys. They’re pretty wonky, in a half cute, half horrifying way… But I kind of like them!

Here is the second layer. Still wonky, but a little better, as I was learning what strokes worked and what didn’t. Apparently much better, since iPhoto decided it recognized my smileys at people I should tag in some of the photos…

I thought this was hilarious. Oh facial recognition software. It did it more in the low-light pictures, so I’m sure the software is calibrated to be more sensitive in finding faces in pictures in low light.

Last layer!

I think overall they turned out pretty darn cute! I kinda like their specialness. Oooooh this has inspired me to want to use this scheme to do a manicure of lego people. I LOVE this red, blue and yellow color scheme!!!!

Check out the other ladies’ manicures below!

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