Ringtail Design
So in my last post I mentioned starting a new job. In this post I’ll talk more about it. I’ll try to keep it short, cause I’m pretty sure you guys come here for the pictures of my nails and not so much for the details of my life.
March 31st I started a new job at a company called Ringtail Design. It’s a great company, and the work is much more focused on creating a fantastic user experience, which is what originally attracted me to computer science. Here I got to think more about the user and about design, which is what I am passionate about when it comes to programming.
So anyways, I of course had to do a manicure for this new job! Still pink, since that was the theme for (most of) March. The company is named Ringtail after the ring-tailed lemur, and uses that in a lot of the company’s logo and design.
Actually, when I interviewed for the job, I painted the tail on one of my nails, and I’m pretty sure that contributed to me getting the job in the end. #playingthejudges. Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of those, so they will be lost forever. Rest assured, they were cute.
I saw this pattern on my twitter feed one night and really liked it. When I wanted to do it on my nails, I had to scour the internet to find it, because I had not saved it. And I apparently did not learn my lesson, as I did not bookmark it when I found it a second time either. So I have no idea what this pattern is called, nor can I point you to a tutorial, for which I apologize.
I guess it’s kind of a lattice pattern? I know the lady who did them originally called it quad-something… It’s a pretty simple pattern made entirely by layering dots. It was a little time-consuming for my taste, but I do have to admit it looks pretty cool, and I like the subtle change that comes from switching which color is your base.
And I made sure to paint that ringtail on my pinky. The one on my right hand came out a little better. Sometimes I need to remember to work from actual pictures, not just the images I remember in my head.