/ matte

Classy? Leopard Nails

You’d think leopard has to be trashy, but I want to prove it isn’t.

What happened is, I got a beautiful metallic taupe polish from Revlon and painted my nails with it for an interview. Then as usual, I could not leave well-enough alone and painted it with a matte topcoat. That looked pretty good, but it was pretty boring. So I rationalized that I did not *really *want the job that much anyways and did this to them.


I’m pretty big into the multiple textures involved in this manicure. We’ve got the matte base, the metallic spots and then the shiny black. Personally I wish I had a matte black so it wouldn’t stand out so much, but oh well.


I love leopard/cheetah manicure because they take NO artistic ability and I love when I am able to put up a post that I know anyone can do. Because even if this is sloppy as heck, they still look pretty good. I think soon I’m going to make one in all neutral/taupey colors, a manicure that is actually professional enough to wear to an interview, not just one that I wear anyway because I’m not really that invested.
