This manicure I’m using for three purposes! I’m still participating in the Strum my Heartstrings challenge by The Lacquered Landlubber, but I also wanted to participate in my first actual nail art competition! Nail Art Canada is having a Valentines’ nail art competition, and I’m really excited
So I decided to join, for the first time ever, a daily nail art challenge for Valentines’ Day! It’s hosted by The Lacquered Landlubber (who has the cutest blog style ever and you just have to love that name!). We’ll see how this goes! One thing I figured
Okay, so I just got a new set of stamps (that I’m actually planning to review for you all soon!) and I ADORE some of the designs on them! I was particularly inspired by a plate that had a full nail stamp with gears. Cause, c’mon, who doesn’
Happy Veteran’s Day veterans! This post is rather serious for a bit as this is a topic that means a lot to me. Don’t worry, I start talking about nails again at the bottom. Supporting our country, our military and our veterans has always been important to me.
You’d think leopard has to be trashy, but I want to prove it isn’t. What happened is, I got a beautiful metallic taupe polish from Revlon and painted my nails with it for an interview. Then as usual, I could not leave well-enough alone and painted it with
So anyone who knows me at all knows I have a fear of zombies that borders on a phobia, particularly considering just how irrational that fear is. It doesn’t necessarily interfere with my everyday life, although I cannot even handle watching Shaun of the Dead and whenever I walk